
Cody Huseby – Teacher at Red Deer Catholic Schools

Cody Huseby – Teacher at Red Deer Catholic Schools
About Cody Huseby

Cody Huseby (@Huseby88) is a proud Dad, Husband to an amazing wife, Grade 3 Teacher, Hockey Linesman, Man behind the Liger. He loves his school and loves his life!

Connect with Cody: Email | Instagram | Linkedin | Twitter

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Resources Mentioned

Father Henri Voisin School

Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools (RDCRS)

How To Use Google Meet – Teachers Guide For Distance Learning Tutorial

The Transcript

**Please note that all of our transcriptions come from and are 80% accurate. We’re grateful for the robots that make this possible and realize that it’s not a perfect process.

Sam Demma (00:00):
Welcome back to another episode of the High Performing Educator podcast. This is your host and youth speaker, Sam Demma. We are joined today by another special guest. His name is Cody Huseby. He’s a proud father, husband to an amazing wife, grade 3 teacher, and a hockey linesman. It was recommended by a previous guest by the name of Chris that we bring Cody on the show today and I’m so glad he made the connection because Cody’s an awesome educator. I hope you enjoy our conversation, I will see you on the other side. Cody, welcome to the High Performing Educator podcast. Huge pleasure to have you on the show virtually. Why don’t you start off by introducing yourself and sharing a little bit behind why you got into education and, you know, why you’re passionate about the work you do today?

Cody Huseby (01:21):
For sure. Yeah. So like you mentioned there, my name’s Cody Huseby. I teach here in at Father Henri Voisin School in Red Deer, Alberta. And I teach grade five and I do a little bit of lift as well. So I get the pleasure to work with a number of other teachers in our school, and you know, help guide them and also help with their students and type of thing. So a lot of fun, great school. And yeah, I think just overall why I got into education from the beginning is just, I just really enjoyed building relationships and, and you know, my mom had a day home for a lot of years and she always had always babysat teachers’ kids. And I guess maybe I just kind of really held other teachers, that the parents are those of those kids in, in high esteem.

Cody Huseby (02:14):
And I was really fortunate to have some amazing teachers growing up. I, I, I came from Rocky mountain house, grew up in Rocky mountain house and went to a small key to 12 school Catholic school and had some amazing teachers there. Some teachers that are still teaching out there actually. And yeah, I guess that’s just kind of where things always looked up to them and, and kind of led me into education and I’ve been really fortunate and, and I haven’t regretted us single thing. So it’s it’s been really good.

Sam Demma (02:47):
Yeah. That’s awesome. And yeah, you know, you mentioned that you had teachers that played a huge impact on you. Like if you had to explain why, like, like what did they do that made them so great and impactful in your own personal?

Cody Huseby (03:01):
I think it was always you know, just that kind of, that kind of that person that you knew that you almost like another parent, right. Where you, you felt comfortable in their classroom and you felt comfortable if you seen them, especially growing up in a, Rocky’s a fairly small town. You know, if you’ve seen them around the community, they, they would say hi to you and, and, and make you feel like a real person. And I guess I always just kind of really admired that and, and you know, just the opportunity to, to kind of reach out and especially those, those kids who maybe need a little bit of extra support in their life. And I you know, for whatever reason, but just giving them that extra support and, and making them feel like, like they are actually a, you know, a person and that we care and it’s not just, you know, we’re saying hi to ’em cause we have to in the community or whatever else we actually, you know, care and we want to invest in what they’re doing, both inside the school and outside the school as well.

Cody Huseby (03:59):

Sam Demma (04:00):
Nice. And I’d have to imagine teaching this year is a little different yeah. How’s, how’s it been going with your grade fives and like, what does it look like right now for you?

Cody Huseby (04:12):
Yeah, it’s, it’s been different for sure. It’s we we’ve been fortunate enough in in Alberta and in red deer, we’ve, we’ve been able to be in, in the classroom since September. And and we are really fortunate at our school, our case count and our case numbers have been fairly low. We’ve had a couple, couple situations, but we’ve been really lucky. Hmm. And, and it’s, it’s felt fairly normal to be honest from from September that’s my opinion. It might not be the opinion of us, but, but no it’s been, it’s been fairly normal, you know, we’re doing the right things in terms of you know, trying to keep the kids apart with social distancing, it looks a little bit different in the classroom and it, it, it feels, I guess probably the biggest change that, that you notice in the school is is that kind of community building piece isn’t there, we’ve had to kind of get creative with you know, we can’t bring all the students together to the gym and do things that we would normally do as a whole school community.

Cody Huseby (05:10):
So that piece is really lacking and that, and we’ve noticed that as teachers and I’m sure the students have noticed as well, but you know, we, we are really fortunate to be in, in the classroom. I know I was talking to my neighbor yesterday and we’re actually back online right now. The case numbers have got a little crazy in Alberta and they did the right thing in my opinion, and we’re back online, but it just really makes me appreciate the in person learning and, and the value that, that in person learning has, what, whether it being, you know, the kids, just getting a chance to talk to each other and share their day and, and and that kind of stuff, but just, you kind of lose that a little bit when you’re in the online virtual atmosphere, it’s more kind of all business. Yeah. Which is it’s, it’s different. Right. And it’s, you can tell it kind of, it, it does play a, a effect on the, it has an effect on the kids from the mental side of things. So hopefully if the numbers do the right thing here, it’s only, they’re only saying two weeks, but you know, we’ll see how it goes and hopefully we can get back in the classroom.

Sam Demma (06:24):
Yeah. I agree, man. It’s, it’s interesting. I think the moments that were most impactful for me were moments where I, like I gave my teacher a high five, or he like tapped me on the back and like encouraged me to try something or told me I great job, you know, like there’s, there are so many things that, that were effective for me as a high school student and an elementary school student that couldn’t really be replaced with an online model of school. So it’s, it’s tough. And it’s weird. And I’m curious to know, like how do we still ensure that students feel appreciated and heard and valued when it’s, when the learning style or the learning situation is a little different.

Cody Huseby (07:04):
Yeah. I think, you know, we’re, we’re trying to, it’s been kind of a, a, you know, teachers have had to pivot and pivot pretty quickly and they’ve done a, a really amazing job in my opinion. Yeah. I agree. You know, some of the, some of the ways that the, that different teachers have of reached out and, and tried to engage the kids whether it be making funny videos we got a, a teacher at our school that’s really creative and super crazy, and he always makes these crazy videos the other day. He was in, you know, swimming with a scuba gear on, in the hot tub and you know, just guys just going the extra mile to to kind of reach out to the kids. And that’s, you know, I’ve, we, I’ve got three kids myself, so I’ve, I’ve been able to see you know, how different teachers have, have kind of done it with my kids as well in terms of instruction.

Cody Huseby (07:51):
And, and I, I think you know, just with really leveraging technology and you know, there’s lots of technology that’s been available to us now, thankfully to help us you know, kind of break down that barrier and still connect with kids, whether it be jumping on one, on one Google meets and, and still reaching out to them that way. I think there’s definitely, there’s definitely ways to do it. It’s definitely a little bit harder. Like you said, that, that instant connection of walking to a student’s desk and sitting down one on one and helping with them, or, you know, just giving them a little bit of motivation or encouragement. It’s a little bit harder for sure. It’s, sometimes it’s a little bit, it’s, it’s almost that interesting role reversal. When we first went on online learning last spring, it was something that we’ve as teachers we ever experienced before, where we were almost at the mercy of, of the students. Mm. In terms of we are sitting from behind the screen, and if they didn’t reach out to us, we didn’t really know where they’re at with things, or if everything was good or if they had questions or whatever else. Right. So we really had to put the onus on them to to do that. And, you know, at an elementary level, it’s, that’s a hard thing to do for those students to, to do that. So it was a really interesting dynamic there.

Sam Demma (09:11):
Yeah, I agree. I agree. And you know, you mentioned some of those teachers that, that really impacted you when you were a student and they’re still teaching, you wanna share some of their names or where they’re at now as well. Just give ’em a little shout up. Yeah,

Cody Huseby (09:26):
For sure. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. Yeah. Yeah. Just some some teachers back in, in Rocky at St. Matt’s they they’re actually one, the, he was a principal at St. Dominic’s now the high school in Rocky, but he’s retiring this year pat Hughes. Mm. My, my mom babysat for, for them for a long time. And he was my high school science teacher. Wow. Awesome human and an awesome teacher. And yeah, there’s, there’s a whole list of, of, of them back at St. At St. Matt’s that are, are still there. And it’s, it’s kind of cool too, cuz we, we have division PD days. I, I worked in the same division as them, so I’ll still see them when they come in for you know, on division PD days and nice. You know, it’s always that awkward thing. Like if you’re, you know, when you’re an adult, do you call them by their first name now? Or do you still call them by their Yeah. Oh, it’s interesting. But no for sure. Lots of really amazing teachers out there.

Sam Demma (10:21):
Oh, awesome. And if you could go back to your first year as a teacher and give your younger self advice, like knowing what you know now and, you know, based on the experiences you’ve already had, what would you tell your younger self?

Cody Huseby (10:38):
Oh, I don’t know so many lessons. I think I think the one thing is, is just maybe, maybe just slow things down a little bit, you know, it’s especially in the teaching world, I think it’s always you know, you see lots of things out there, right? There’s there’s usually a lot of new initiatives that are being brought in and there’s you know, tons of things that you’ll see online and see different teachers do and you know, the opportunities to, to grow and to, to learn new things are endless, but sometimes you can get bogged down and you know, trying, trying to do too many new things and trying to you know, jump from one, one new thing to another new thing. And, and I know I’ve been guilty of of, you know, just trying too many things and then maybe not seeing those things through and, and giving them the, the time that they deserve. And then, and you know, maybe something could have been really good, but maybe I didn’t really like how I was going. And then I decided to jump to something else. So, you know, maybe it’s just you know, try to slow things down a little bit and instead of trying to do too much yeah. You know, just try to perfect. What’s what you’re doing so

Sam Demma (11:55):
Nice. Yeah. I agree with you. And I, I know moments where that happened in my own life. It’s a whole idea of like chasing two rabbits, you end up catching none of them, you know, so that’s awesome. Exactly. Yeah. I love that. And if a teacher wants to reach out to you, maybe have a conversation and connect, like what would be the best way for them to do so to get in touch with you? Is it over email or like what would be your preferred way?

Cody Huseby (12:20):
Yeah, I think yeah, definitely an email would work. I’m also fairly active on Twitter. Sometimes Twitter, especially to nowadays is a little bit dangerous, but I like to go on there and even, you know, just, there’s lots of really good ideas. I know even just last couple days people are so willing to share new ideas, especially in, in the ed tech world. You can learn so much, so much free PD from, from Twitter. So if people wanna reach out @Huseby88. It’s just my kind of corny, but it’s my referee number, but they can reach me there.

Sam Demma (13:01):
Awesome. And did you and Chris ref, did you and Chris ref together by any chance?

Cody Huseby (13:08):
Yeah, we, we have. We’ve refed a few games together for sure. Not a whole bunch recently, but back a few years ago we would work the odd junior B game together. Yep. You bet.

Sam Demma (13:21):
That’s awesome. Cool, cool. Awesome. Well, look, Cody, thank you so much for, for coming on the show today. I really appreciate it, continue doing awesome work, and I’ll talk to you soon.

Cody Huseby (13:34):
Awesome. Thanks Sam.

Sam Demma (13:36):
And there you have it. Another amazing guest, an amazing interview on the High Performing Educator podcast. As always, if you enjoy these episodes, please consider leaving a rating and review so other educators like yourself can find this content and benefit from it. And here’s an exclusive opportunity that I mentioned at the start of the show; f you want meet the guest on today’s episode, if you wanna meet any of the guests that we have interviewed, consider going to and signing up to join the exclusive network, you’ll have access to networking events throughout 2021 and other special opportunities. And I promise I will not fill your inbox. Talk to you soon. I’ll see you on the next episode.

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